Friday, 15 April 2011

Evaluation- Question 2

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

In the opening scene of my film the gender is more women than men which is unconventional in horror movies because the gender is more likely to be aimed at men, more than women. And in the majority of horror films the men have dominance over the women but this is not shown in my opening sequence. But we have tried to achieve the opposite and making the women dominant (i.e. girl haunting another girl).
The age of the actors/actresses in the opening sequence of my film show that they are fairly young in their teen’s between 17-22. This wasn’t aimed to just the teenage groups it is aimed to a wide range of ages, but however we decided to have two teenage girls, and was purposely set like this, due to our storyline, there are some horror movies which have their film based on children and there are some which include a mixture of genders, so our sequence wasn’t something new to age types. There isn’t much of a social grade taken into consideration whilst making the opening sequence because it wasn’t to us relevant to our storyline, and the majority of horror films don’t take into much consideration of social grades, exception of some, (I.e. where rich people are being killed or big haunted houses owned by rich people) The ethnicity is mostly aimed at Asian teenagers in my opening sequence, however again this was just due to our actors, and not purposely aimed at the Asian ethnicity group for any kind of reason. The main actor is a female which is quite unconventional to horror movies, well the majority I have seen so therefore we purposely made the main actor a female.

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