Friday, 15 April 2011


What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Mini Dv Cameras
The main equipment that was vital to my production was these cameras which helped us film our film sequence. First of all i had a fully new experience on how to use a mini dv camera. On this i learnt how to video footage accurately without using a tripod. I learnt how to rewind and cur out footage and film over it, I learnt how to take pictures on the camera. I also learnt how to use the camera steadily without needing an tripod. A tripod was only used for very steady and smooth videoing.

Final cut pro
Final cut pro was a professional apple suite that we used to edit and make our whole film sequence including the music. It was another vital piece of our production without this we wouldn’t of succeeded in making our production. On final cut pro we learnt how to put on all our footage, we learnt how to edit our shots, make them into the sizes we needed, For example zoomed in shots that we needed. We learnt how to make our production look seamless. On final cut pro we also learnt how to edit the colours of the shots, how to make the shots go faster or slower and do on. We also embedded our music into final cut pro and edited it according to our different scenes. Overall I have learnt how to
• How to upload footage.
• How to edit footage in terms of color, speed and font.
• How to add music on to my footage.

Blogspot; Blogspot- another important site that helped us put all our work together and show what we had done for all our production we learnt how to upload images, videos and all our work. We learnt how to create a blog, make a background and how to put all the vital information on there.

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