Thursday, 25 November 2010

Love actually

Background information;

Budget: £30,000,000 (estimated)
Gross: $59,365,105 (USA) (16 February 2004)

Production companies: Universal pictures, Studio canal, working title films (paris)

Main Cast: Alan Rickman, Bill Nighy, Colin Firth, Emma Thompson, Hugh Grant, Laura Linney, Liam Neeson, Martine McCutcheon, Keira Knightley, Rowan Atkinson, Andrew Lincoln

In 2004 love actually made a profil of £17.8 million, as of 2007, all its films are distributed by universal pictures which owns a 67% stake in the company. Co producers are studio canal.
BBC films and private investors own the remaining part of the company

Studio Canal:
French based production and distribution company that owns the third largest film library in the world.Many working titles include:
Four weddings and a funeral
Notting Hill
Bridget Jones Diary

Opening scene of Love Actually;

At the start the scene open's up at the airpot like a documentary montage, it seems like its reality. There is different cultural shots, the camera zooms into the faces whilst people are hugging to emphasise the different kinds of love they have for eachother, father and sons, husband and wifes, old freinds, girlfreinds and boyfreinds etc.  There is a random cutting of different pictures. There is also a narrator during the introduction, telling us what love is. There is slow motion of hugging and close ups, the narration is syncronised with the title.The opening is also done in a hand held style to imply that you are actually there.

  Love is printed in red which emphasises the colour of love, red is always the first letters and white are the last letters of the names that are printed on the screen. White is a pure colour, and a good mixture with red to emphasise love.

There is a change in the setting from this airpot documnetary montage to this office wher you can see a pc and phone, the office is very spacious and brightly lit (natural lighting) the demographic seems to be predominately of white upper middle class people in a big city with big houses and is mainly aimed at Americans. We can see that most of the people in the sequence are of this class by the way they are dresses; professional looking wearing formal trousers and shirts. Majority of the characters are of a Caucasian origin and the black people are seen to be on the periphery.

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