Halloween is a 1978 American independent horror film directed, produced, and scored by John Carpenter, co-written with debra hill and starring Donals pleasance and Jamie Lee Curtis in her film debut. Halloween starts off with with the studio logo "Compass international pictures release" , and then the name of the producer comes up (the monney men) "Moustaph akkad" who spend all the money on the films. Then the imagery starts too come in, there is a pumpkin is positioned on the left side of the screen giving a dramatic effect, we can see a full shot of this pumpkin but not the whole of the pumpkin just the face flashing to make it look frightning and disturbing to the veiwer. And the music at this point is very spooky and not too high just about right. Then up on the screen comes "John carpenters - HALOWEEN" but haloween is in bold and capitals, to simply signify what the movie is about. The movie "inroduces Jamie Lee Curtis" too show he must be a young star and can possibley be his first movie. As the camera zoom's into the pumpkin the musics frequency and tempo starts to increase. As the different names appear on screen, showing the different parts played in the movie, you can also clearly see that the colour of the names change in orange, yellow and RED. These 3 colours are related to horror, which gives negative connations of fire flames, red signifies death. The titles also fade in quickly but fade out much slower. Moving on the music throughout the whole film has it's own originality, the peice of music is like a child like piano, it's puchy and unconventonal. The music gets faster or slower, or the pitches of frequency changes according to what is happening in the different scenes, it matches the events very cleverly, to make it seem more exciting and dramatic. Towards the end we see a extreame close up show of the pumpkin to create a very dramatic effect. I also notices at the start of the introduction John carpenters name appeared and the last thing that appears is "directed by John carpenter".
The starting scene opens with a master shot of the whole house.
The starting scene opens with a master shot of the whole house.
Halloween 1978 (Trailer) from Roy Chen on Vimeo.
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