Thursday, 10 February 2011

180 Degree rule.

The 180 degree rule is a technique used in films which states that when filming on one side of the scene you must never film at an angle or position that is opposite to it or on the other side of the 180 degree line

What did we do?
All students were put in pairs of three and then were asked to film a short movie of their 180 degree shot without breaking the rule. One person filmed the shot's and the other two members of the group took part in acting. In the sequence students were asked to pass something to the other member in their group to see if they can do it without breaking the 180 degree rule. We learnt how to frame a match on action and a shot-reverse-shot. And how to edit all the shots together to make it look continuous.

What did we learn?
We learnt how to handle specialist equipment such as tripods and the movie makers. We learnt how to do the 180 degree rule, without breaking it and if we did we now know how to correct it if anything goes wrong. It was very useful to us because if we wanted to use this technique in our film making we could simply because we knew how to do it after our practices.

180 Degree Rule - Moviemaking Technique from Peter John Ross on Vimeo.

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